Installment Requirements

(Bring all requirements to branch for faster application)

For Employed Customers:

  1. Latest Payslip (at least 1 month)
  2. Certificate of Employment (COE) (Optional)
  3. Proof of Billing (Meralco, Water, Cable, Phone, Internet, etc.)
  4. Latest ID Picture (2 pcs.) (2 x 2)
  5. Company ID
  6. Guarantor:
    1. Near Customer’s Place
    2. Proof of Billing (Meralco, Water, Cable, Phone, Internet, etc.)
    3. House and Lot Owner
  7. Full down payment (varies depending on item)

For Business Owners:

  1. Business or Barangay Permit
  2. Proof of Billing (Meralco, Water, Cable, Phone, Internet, etc.)
  3. Latest ID Picture (2 pcs.) (2 x 2)
  4. Guarantor:
    1. Near Customer’s Place
    2. Proof of Billing (Meralco, Water, Cable, Phone, Internet, etc.)
    3. House and Lot Owner
  5. Full down payment (varies depending on item)

For Allotees:

  1. Allotment or Remittance Slip (past 3 months)
  2. Bank Statement
  3. Proof of Billing (Meralco, Water, Cable, Phone, Internet etc.)
  4. Latest ID Picture (2 pcs.) (2 x 2)
  5. Guarantor:
    1. Near Customer’s Place
    2. Proof of Billing (Meralco, Water, Cable, Phone, Internet, etc.)
    3. House and Lot Owner
  6. Full down payment (varies depending on item)
  • Kindly allow at least 24 hours processing time for all applications.
  • All Installment Purchases come with (2) Year Warranty.

+ 7 Reasons Why You Should Buy Through Installment at ESLA: